Customer: MYP - 20th July 2020, 1 hour Live Introduction to Mindfulness
This live workshop is for Manchester Young Professionals.
Mindfulness is being used to help with everything from depression and anxiety, to stress and pain management. In this 1 hour session you’ll get a better understanding of what mindfulness is, how it can help with change and stress, and experience mindfulness for yourself through mindful meditations. No prior experience is required.
Learning aims:
»To gain an understanding of what mindfulness is and how it can help counteract stress and anxiety
»To learn about and experience first-hand mindful meditation techniques, which can be used to improve wellbeing and mental health
»To understand the difference between primary and secondary stress, and to get an understanding of how this concept can help you with future stress or challenges.
Course content:
» Learn some of the key concepts behind mindfulness and understand how it can help people cope with stress, difficulties and change
»Experience different mindful activities, including mindful meditations
»Make plans to incorporate mindfulness techniques into daily life
Who should attend
This course is suitable for all employees and volunteers. You do not need any previous experience of meditation, or training in mental health or wellbeing to attend. However, mindfulness is not suitable for everybody at all times. For example, research has shown that mindfulness for depression is best learnt when mental health is reasonably good. We suggest that if your mental health is currently very poor, it may not be the right time to start learning mindfulness, and instead waiting until you are feeling better before starting new practices.
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