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Online Mental Health First Aid (MHFA Adult) - 18, 19, 25, 26 March 2025

This event has only 16 space(s) left. If you continue and register more than 16 people (including yourself ), the whole group will be wait listed. Or, you can reduce the number of people you are registering to 16 to avoid being put on the waiting list.
Manchester Mind Training Details - MHFA
Course materials are posted ahead of the course for online sessions. Please provide the address you'd like your materials posted to. For face to face session, your materials will be provided on the day.
Event Fee(s) *
Billing Details

This is really important to us, we really appreciate your help in completing the following questions. We are asking for this information for two reasons:
1) We need to be able to demonstrate that we comply with equality legislation aimed at preventing discrimination in the delivery of our services.
2) We want to make our services accessible to all, including those whose circumstances make it difficult for them to get what they need from other services.

Any information you share with us here will be stored in our database, which only current Manchester Mind staff can access. Details you share here will be used by Manchester Mind to produce monitoring reports, as described above. Anonymised versions of these reports may be shared with current and prospective funders

We will not share your personal identifiable details with any other organisation.

For further details about how Manchester Mind uses your data please see our Privacy Statement

Demographic Information
Examples may include epilepsy, depression, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), or deafness.

From time to time photo's may be taken at our events for use in Manchester Minds internal reports and external publicity. Please let us know if you are happy for your photo to be taken and used in this way.