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Manchester Mind CYP Services Referral Form


Your Contact Details

Your contact details will be held on Manchester Mind's database, which can only be accessed by current Manchester Mind staff.. We will not share these with any other organisation. We will use these details if there is an issue with the referral (e.g. we cannot make contact with the young person, or we need further details about their situation), a member of Manchester Mind staff may contact you for more information. For more details of how we hold personal data please see our Data Privacy Notice.

How did you hear about us?
Referring Organisation
Is the young person aware that a referral is being made on their behalf, and that their details are being shared with Manchester Mind's Children and Young People's Service?

We will use the details in this form to contact the young person and arrange an assessment meeting with them. Please make sure they are aware this will happen before proceeding with this referral.

Please make sure the Young Person is aware Manchester Mind will be in contact with then before continuing with this referral.

Young Person
Preferred Communication Method(s)
Any information about how and when this young person prefers to be contacted. The best timeand method to contact them. Is it ok to leave a voice message or send an SMS.
Manchester Mind CYP Services- Eligibility

Manchester Mind Children and Young People's Counselling Service is open to young people aged between 18 and 25 who live in Manchester.

If the young person you are referring doesn't live in Manchester, or is under 18, you can still complete this referral form or you can call 0161 769 5732.  We will try to signpost you to services that are able to help.

Manchester Mind Children and Young People's Peer Support Groups
Manchester Mind no longer runs Peer Support Groups specifically for young people.

Our Peer Support Service is open to anyone aged 18 or over. And accepts Self Referrals.

Are they a Manchester Resident? Does the young person (or their family) pay Council Tax to Manchester City Council?
Referral Details
Risk Outline
Is the young person a risk to themselves or others?
Are any other agencies involved?
GP, Psychiatrist, CPN- Community Psychiatric Nurse, Social Worker etc