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Allotment Enquiry Form

Manchester Mind is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), and complies with the requirements and procedures of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The personal details you give on this form will be stored in our password protected database, that only current Manchester Mind staff can access.

Under GDPR we hold and use this data on the basis of Legitimate Interest. To enable us to deliver the service(s) you have requested

We do not, and never will, sell your data for marketing purposes. We will only use it in the manner described below.

  • Your details will be used to contact you and discuss how we can help you
  • We will also use this data internally to monitor the effectiveness and fairness of our services
  • Some of the data you provide (where you live and your age) may be shared in an anonymised form, with our funding bodies

All information provided will be held securely by Manchester Mind in accordance with our Privacy Statement

Your Personal Details
Your Personal Details

Personal and Sensitive Data
These questions ask for personal and sensitive data, under GDPR we collect these for statistical purposes.

If you do not feel comfortable answering these questions you can leave them blank, or choose "Prefer not to say".

How do you describe your gender?
Have you ever identified as trans?
Please complete this field.
The Allotment Project is currently funded to support people from communities that experience racial inequality.
How can we help you?
Which, if any, of these reasons describe why you would like to work in the allotment?
How would you describe your current mental health?
How would you describe your current physical health?
What is your current exercise level?
How do you like to be spoken to?
Are you more comfortable working alone or in small groups?
What is the best way to communicate with you between sessions (text, email, phone call)?
Have you used Manchester Mind Services before?
How did you hear about us?